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Pest of the Month: Termites

There's a lot to love about the climate of South Louisiana, but unfortunately, termites love the warm and humid climate here too. Termites can infest all types of places, such as industrial sites, old buildings, and homes. They also enjoy hanging around crops, shrubs and dead trees. Let's take a closer look at August's pest of the month.

Formosan Subterranean Termites
Formosan termites regularly come in large numbers during spring and summer because of the heavy rain and the warmth associated with these seasons. Formosan termites are yellow-brown and can create their secondary colonies on top of buildings, such as in broken roof tiles and broken pipes. Within six months, these termites can cause the complete destruction of your house.

The swarmers of the Formosan termites have four equal wings, and the front wings contain a dark vein. The rest of the wings of the swarmers are translucent with tiny hairs covering them. The soldier types of Formosan termites contain a fontanel at the forehead and also have mandibles, which are narrow and flat compared to the head.

Formosan termites are the most aggressive type of termite and they can cause a lot of damage to timber in South Louisiana. Formosan termites can infest living trees such as the cypress, oak, maple, and pine. They also love to chew on electric cables, which can result in electricity failure!

Prevention Action
Termites are destructive to homes, trees, poles, industrial areas, and crops. It is essential to act quickly and prevent termites from causing further destruction to your home and property. Consult a professional at Bayou Cajun on the prevention of termites, especially if you are living in a high-risk area in South Louisiana or are moving to one.